The morning struggle

Since my boy started high school, the funny episodes in the morning have slowed down considerably. It could be because hormones are turning him into a younger, male version of me, i.e grumpy, doesn't do well in the mornings, hates sunlight... you understand. I feel that I should illustrate the point. A

The attempt to kick the junk food addiction

OK, so I admit this may be a little more difficult to kick off the uber healthy eating plan then previously thought. It feels like I'm kicking an addiction. I honestly am struggling to get through the day without having some little bit of utter junk. It's pathetic. The mind

The answer is real food

This morning Baby J woke up early. And I woke up hungry. About 2 weeks before Easter I started a diet. You really can't get better timing than that. It actually went quite well up until the Easter chocolate descended upon the house where I found that actually, as originally

The full time mom

Since my last post, I have to say that my life did a little shimmy to the left with a kick in the crotch followed by Ta-Dah with jazz hands. In other words, while it hasn't been all fun and games, sometimes it takes a jolt to reconfigure priorities and

The teenager cometh

Wanted: one manual for the operation of teenagers My son is driving me mental of late. If you fancy looking back at some previous posts then you'll see that while he's always been a handful, he's also always been such fun, with a brilliant sense of humour and of course we've

The wardrobe spring clean

I'm not going to do a catch up post. Suffice to say I had a beautiful baby girl 2 months ago. She's awesome, family is doing well. We rock. You are now up to date. I took the opportunity today to throw out some clothes and generally work through the chaos that

The morning tea contest

I love Sunday mornings. While most of my friends are languishing in hangover hell with the exceptional few hitting the gym or going for their morning jogging sessions, my hubby and I are usually having a half asleep squabble revolving around who is going to make the morning tea. This

The chatterbox

I woke up the other day realising that with 12 weeks to go until our new baby enters the world, I've done a grand total of nothing to prepare. I have 3 packs of nappies, 2 packs of botty wipes and a cute lil baby grow from my friend in

The little moments

This morning I had a moment. It is the boy's last day ever in Primary School and man was I excited.... 'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! It's your last ever day at primary school!!' I squeaked while ignoring the grumpy mutterings coming from the bed, which I chose to ignore but think it was something along

The first date

4 months has gone by very fast since I last posted to this blog. I keep intending to blog on the move but being 'on the move' means I'm constantly fighting with lost signal and that means that my inspired instapost just doesn't quite make it. They say that time flies when

The early bird catches the worm

"I am sorry to have to tell you that your son has done something awful again today. He put a worm on a girl's hair. He also then sucked a worm...." Oh man this just cracked me up! After reading a tense email telling me in no uncertain terms to

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