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The full time mom

Since my last post, I have to say that my life did a little shimmy to the left with a kick in the crotch followed by Ta-Dah with jazz hands. In other words, while it hasn't been all fun and games, sometimes it takes a jolt to reconfigure priorities and

The technology age

So here I am, up and at 'em at 5am and I've been up for at least an hour. No, this is not me readjusting to daylight savings, this is Patrick and his insane profession coupled with the Most-Annoying-Alarm-In-The-World. As is usual when you are awake at an odd hour, it's

The day that being a working mom sucked

About this time now Patrick is in the air and on his way to Cape Town to finish up some business and tie up the sale of our home. I miss him already. I'm now entering one of those weeks where I become a temporary single parent. While this is not the first

The wishful thinking of the wannabe super mom

It's been quite a day today. Things are getting progressively busier at work and of course at home we are preparing ourselves for a week without Patrick. I'm a technicians wife. It comes with the territory that the husband is going to be away for long periods of time and

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