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The attempt to kick the junk food addiction

OK, so I admit this may be a little more difficult to kick off the uber healthy eating plan then previously thought. It feels like I’m kicking an addiction. I honestly am struggling to get through the day without having some little bit of utter junk. It’s pathetic. The mind is willing and all that.

Yes, that’s why I haven’t posted anything since my ‘in support of real food‘ post. In short, I’ve not practiced what I preach – yet.

I did also say I’d be honest about cheating. So yeah, I’ve not yet gone one day eating only real food. The weakness seems to be sweet stuff. I’ve not had bread in days, fizzy drinks, nothing particularly fatty, but I have had a Crunchie, some awesome nougat from the market down the street, and there was a box of chocolates I forgot about that of course I came across and merrily sat and polished off the lot with my son while watching movies. It was awesome, but totally counter productive. Oh and I was lazy the one morning and had some sugary cereal and last night I ate a stack of Jaffa Cakes. So, my bane is my yearning for sweet stuff.


It dawned on me however that as with any bad habit you are trying to kick, it boils down to breaking the routine that puts you in the situation where you are giving in to the habit. For me, that means totally mixing things up and making an effort to totally overhaul my routine. The blessing is that I now have the freedom to do that.

Yes I know it’s Friday, and yes it’s a weird day to start a new routine, but I ask you this – who would want to start a difficult task which needs every ounce of willpower on a Monday? Aren’t Monday’s bad enough as it is? Friday is just full of positive energy and can-do attitude. In my mind, the perfect day to make a positive change in life.

“Never put off until tomorrow what you can change today” ~ Thomas Jefferson

One thought on “The attempt to kick the junk food addiction

  1. Oh yes, sugar is the worst. Very addictive. I just try to steer clear of it during the week because I know that one hit is never enough. I allow myself some at the weekend, but have to have a limited amount in the house!

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