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The attempt to kick the junk food addiction

OK, so I admit this may be a little more difficult to kick off the uber healthy eating plan then previously thought. It feels like I'm kicking an addiction. I honestly am struggling to get through the day without having some little bit of utter junk. It's pathetic. The mind

The answer is real food

This morning Baby J woke up early. And I woke up hungry. About 2 weeks before Easter I started a diet. You really can't get better timing than that. It actually went quite well up until the Easter chocolate descended upon the house where I found that actually, as originally

The wardrobe spring clean

I'm not going to do a catch up post. Suffice to say I had a beautiful baby girl 2 months ago. She's awesome, family is doing well. We rock. You are now up to date. I took the opportunity today to throw out some clothes and generally work through the chaos that

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