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The first date

4 months has gone by very fast since I last posted to this blog.

I keep intending to blog on the move but being ‘on the move’ means I’m constantly fighting with lost signal and that means that my inspired instapost just doesn’t quite make it.

They say that time flies when you’re having fun, and maybe ‘fun’ is not quite the right word, but it’s been busy and I have some big event’s coming up in my life.

First off, a quick update on the Jimster. He’s in his last week of primary school. That’s it. All over but the shouting. I am so proud of him. He got through his SATS and has managed to get through his primary school life with his sanity, soul and confidence in tact despite the fact he has had to deal with a psycho headmistress who I’m starting to think was stalking the halls on a regular basis waiting to pounce on him. There are so many stories I could tell but maybe another day. For now I will rest happy in the knowledge that by the end of this week, he is out of that stuffy school and I hope on to bigger and better things. This morning he decided to remind me just how grown up he was…

‘Hey Mom, I’m nervous about the leaving dance tonight.’

‘Really?’ That threw me. The boy can boogie and he’s not shy about it either. ‘Why are you nervous?’

‘I have a date.’ he announced.

Resisting the urge to squeal ‘OH MY WORD THAT IS JUST TOO CUTE!!!’  and calmly said, ‘Well don’t be nervous boy, just relax and have fun.’

‘I’ll try’ he said, and turned around and cut a dashing figure walking down the road to school swinging his lunch box.

I think the little boy and his lunch box will soon be gone. I’m so sad but also so excited for him for all the stuff to come. High School here we come.

Second bit of outstanding news is I’m  pregnant. 12 weeks and 3 days to be precise.

 I’m still in that phase where it doesn’t quite feel real (apart from the acute tiredness, tenderness and otherwise general discomfort), so it’s nice to have the proof that the little muffin is in there, merrily bouncing about. Hubby and I are thrilled. We’re are on the girl/boy debate at the moment and Jim is very excited to have a sibling on the way. He has stated that it really should be a boy so he can teach it everything he knows..

Um… not entirely sure that’s a good idea…

It’s strange to think that there will be two totally different parenting experiences happening at exactly the same time – the preteen-wannabe-teenager-dude and the newborn baby. I’d like to think I’m going to get through this with panache and sophistication. I’d like to think that I’m going to be the most organised person in the world, having done this before and I’d like think that I’m going to adjust to this incredible life change with amazing finesse.

I’ll let you know how I get on with that… wish me luck.

2 thoughts on “The first date

  1. Congratulations on the ‘muffin’ in the oven! How exciting! Hope you head into the glowy second trimester with ease!

    And well done on getting to the next stage with the Little Fella, or Not So Little Fella from next term :-), better keep the tissues handy for his last day.

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