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The American Diner

I sat looking at the jukebox,  a milkshake in front of me and listening while Patrick and kids were mucking about in the booth. All that was missing over the sounds of period rock and roll and vintage vinyl on the wall, was my rockabilly dress and pop socks. This

The Adjustment phase

'EYES!' was the loud announcement I woke up to at about 4am the other morning with a finger wedged into my sleepy peepers. After yelling 'What the hell!' and before doing damage to my darling daughter, I was able to focus and say a sweet good morning. 750

The teenager, the toddler and a bun in the oven

It's been deathly silent on the UKSaffa blog for the past 6 months which of course means that life has been kicking me square in the tenders repeatedly and not allowing me time to breath. I do like Life, but I do also feel that sometimes it's a little schizo,

The morning struggle

Since my boy started high school, the funny episodes in the morning have slowed down considerably. It could be because hormones are turning him into a younger, male version of me, i.e grumpy, doesn't do well in the mornings, hates sunlight... you understand. I feel that I should illustrate the point. A

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