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It’s all about the hair!

On Friday morning, after yet another early wake up by Big Daddy, I decided to try and make myself look respectable for work just to shake things up a bit.  This didn't work (jeans won again) but during the process of poofing, spritzing and generally making quite a mission of

A true flash of brilliance!

Last night was the ever popular parent-teachers meeting. As is custom, we gave our Little Fella the chance to clue us in on any high jinks that may come up in conversation so we aren't taken by surprise... 'My Angel, NEVER, you're deluded lady!' Oh yes, learnt from experience on that one.

No you can’t go to Hogwarts

Really though how can you possibly compete with a school where you learn to fly, blow things up and work with mythical creatures and plants that high pitched crying could knock you out... where nerdy, socially awkward book worms are cool and the strutting rich kids are the baddies... hmmm

You want how much for those shoes?

Well life as I know it is officially over. I was out today with Little Fella doing the back to school shopping and after having spent a wad of cash on new this and that, I saw this brilliant box of lip gloss. I know this is not exciting to some

The month of Leo

It all started with a plan to make this month of birthdays special. My August birthday season starts with my mum (technically July, but right at the end, so it's included in my summer festive season :p. I had a lovely day planned out for my mum including a proper

The old school issues

If a child is to keep his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement and mystery of the world we live in. - Rachel Carson. I had an episode with Jimmy the other day. I

The one about slugs and snails and puppy dogs tails…

I've always got on better with boys. Most of my best friends were boys while growing up. I appreciate the fun loving side of boys - the total, well, boyishness of boys. So lately my favourite little boy, my sweet little angel, my wonderful Jim, has become a complete monster. Last week

The boy is back in town

So it's business as usual at our place, with Patrick back and us all getting back into a routine. Jimmy and I are up early today and being a Sunday it's nice and quiet. He's gone off to make his dad a cuppa and I have a few minutes to catch up. We got

The Invasion of mini Saffa’s

Today we have visitors. I'm hoping that I am not alone on this one, but my son's social life has of late become a lot more active than mine. Every weekend he has something planned while I have been striving to keep my weekends clear in order to catch my breath. The

The time we had a full on snow day

Having spent many years in my lovely warm and windy Cape Town, my memories of snow were a little hazy but we have had some great snow over the past couple of days. Looking outside, it appears that we are now on day 3 of snow. It's lost it's charm now

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