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No you can’t go to Hogwarts

Really though how can you possibly compete with a school where you learn to fly, blow things up and work with mythical creatures and plants that high pitched crying could knock you out… where nerdy, socially awkward book worms are cool and the strutting rich kids are the baddies… hmmm I think I could’ve done well at Hogwarts myself.

So first day back at school. Little Fella has already come home claiming he is actually the coolest kid in year 6 (no confidence issues there) and I can only assume the topic of conversation the entire day was ‘what high school are you going to?’ (since we have yet to receive a letter from Hogwarts, we have been looking at the muggle schools in the area). I can also only assume that Little Fella was ever so slightly put out about not having an answer so this became the topic of the evening at home. I told him the school I was thinking of sending him to and was confident he would be happy with it as I have been doing a fair bit of research over the past few months. To his credit, his face remained the same, but the body language of the boy flopping onto the couch slightly deflated was a clue that this may not have been what he had in mind.

The fact is that between the good schools, the expensive schools and the snobby schools, I hadn’t actually considered the newest and most important criteria which is something along the lines of ‘please don’t send me there, Mom, I would rather die’ (followed by ‘seriously Mom, I am SO not joking’)… Considering that in my mind I had his high school all picked out and Oh-My-Gosh it is the most uncool school around, that was a bit of a blow to plan A.

Oh man, where did I leave my wand.. hmm plan B not looking so hot either…

Without missing a beat, I skipped straight to Plan C which had that very moment been conceived. I simply sent the little man off to do the washing up (a stroke of brilliance by the way – I salute the people who came up with the concept of chores), and Googled my little heart out for high schools in the immediate area.

By the time he returned to ask me which high schools I was in fact looking at, I had managed to find a couple that were not only looking good academically (with exceptionally awesome looking uniforms by the way) but also with hugh focus on the performing arts which he very interested in.

SOLD! To the 10 year old with the stars in his eyes. I am once again the coolest mom.. in the world.

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