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Christmas in London Town

Thoughts at this time are turning towards Christmas. There is something about Christmas in London. It’s really awesome. All wrapped up in the winter woolies, cold noses, hot chocolate from Starbucks and of course so many children. The whole town comes alive with lights and the stores here just make sure that their displays are second to none. It’s a wonderful, bright, cheerful time. It’s the only time of the year that I don’t really miss Cape Town. And that is saying a lot.

Also, it’s an extra special time of year because it’s my birthday. I don’t generally do much on my birthday’s but as I was very nearly a Christmas baby, I feel like the whole world is celebrating with me and in my mind, all this fuss is actually for me. It’s a happy time for me. I’m so easy to please.

I’m still trying to figure out what is happening with our Christmas plans this year, as it’s a bit different to what we usually do. I believe it will involve traveling, which in itself could be an ordeal. But I like doing different stuff so I’m game. I’m a bit odd when it comes to Christmas time. I don’t go loopy over the pressies or the food, but what really get’s me going is the wrapping! I love wrapping presents, getting really into the ribbon and the bows and anything else that can be stuck on a box. Is there a job that needs this skill?? I would be keen to know if there is.stockvault_7179_20070301

I’m not sure how to approach the Santa thing this year. We had a debate on the existance of Santa last year and my policy has always been that if Lil Fella asks me a direct question, then he gets a direct answer. So he asked if Santa was real, I said no. Booooo, party pooper! I did a little back peddling later on as it turned out because Big Daddy looked horrified that I’d not confirmed the existance of the fictional fat man, so I said to the Lil Fella that I’m a grown up and that grown up and therefore boring, and therefore I don’t get to see Santa. Not sure if he bought that but that is where we left it last year. So of course now I don’t know if we should just give him presents from us, or do we split them up as usual and say half are from Santa?

Ho Ho Ho!

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